Couture Week witnessed a dazzling display of opulence as Manav Gangwani presented his extravagant collection, titled "A Timeless Affaire," on Day 2. Additionally, the designer duo Meera and Muzaffar Ali took the audience on a journey to revive the traditional craft of Awadh through their couture brand, Kotwara.
Manav Gangwani's collection epitomized true couture, featuring a grand array of fashion elements. The runway came alive with exaggerated collars, layered skirts, deep-cut gowns, flared lehengas, flowing anarkalis, and resplendent shimmery saris. Bold statements were made with plunging necklines and backless dresses, adding a touch of audacity to the overall aesthetic.
The show featured a harmonious blend of Indian and international models, showcasing the global appeal of Manav Gangwani creations. Luxurious fabrics like French lace, georgette, Chinese silk, and pure satin adorned the runway, exuding elegance and sophistication
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